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How to add seal to flange connection

category:KNOWLEDGEtime:2020-02-07Click volume:8

Add a sealing point between the two flanges and tighten with a bolt. Different pressure flanges have different thicknesses and use different bolts. When pumps and valves are connected to pipelines, parts of these devices are also made into corresponding flange shapes, also known as flange connections. Connection parts that are closed simultaneously by bolts in two planes are often called "flange". For example, the connection of a ventilation duct can be called "flange part".

However, this connection is only part of the device. For example, in the connection between a flange and a water pump, it is difficult to call the water pump a "flange-type component", while relatively small valves such as pumps can be called "flange-type components. A connection is the fixing of two pipes, pipe fittings or equipment between two flanges.

First add flange pads on each flange, then fix them with bolts, then you can finish. Connection, power transmission joint is divided into screw connection flange and welding flange. Low pressure small diameter steel wire connection flange, high pressure and low pressure large diameter are welded flanges. Under different pressures, the thickness of the flange plate and the diameter and number of connecting bolts are different.