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Basic Classification of Stainless Steel Stamped Elbow

category:NEWStime:2020-02-07Click volume:34

There are many types of stainless steel stamped elbows;  Chromium stainless steel stamping elbow has certain corrosion resistance (oxidation acid

, organic acid, cavitation), heat resistance and wear resistance.  Materials commonly used in power plants, chemicals, petroleum and other equipment.  The weldability of chrome stainless steel stamped elbow is poor.  Pay attention to the welding process, heat treatment premise and select the appropriate welding power.  Chromium-nickel stainless steel stamped elbow has good corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance, and is widely used in chemical industry, chemical fertilizer, petroleum, medical machinery manufacturing, welding chromium-nickel stainless steel stamped elbow, carbide will precipitate due to repeated heating, thus reducing corrosion resistance and mechanical properties.  Chromium-nickel stainless steel stamped elbow coating is titanium-calcium type and low hydrogen type.  Titanium calcium type can be used for AC and DC, but in the process of AC welding, the welding depth is shallow, and it is easy to turn red, so the stainless steel stamped elbow will use DC power as much as possible.  Chromium 13 stainless steel stamped elbow has higher hardenability after welding and is easy to crack.  If the same type of chrome stainless steel stamped elbow is used for electrical welding, preheat it to over 300℃ and slowly cool it to about 700℃ after welding.  If weldments cannot be heat treated after welding, chrome-nickel stainless steel stamped elbows shall be used.