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Basic characteristics of flat welding flange

category:NEWStime:2020-02-07Click volume:26

Eliminates the limitations of ordinary flat welding flange automatic welding machines, improves the overall work efficiency and welding quality of pipeline prefabricated parts for electric power and shipbuilding industry; it can realize the synchronous pairing of flat welding flanges with both ends of pipes, The seam welds between the fillet welds and the fillet welds between the pipe and the rib.

Rapid movement through 2 large hydraulic cylinders, suitable for group welding of "flat welding flange pipe and flat welding flange" workpieces. When the workpiece is in an inclined position, two welding torches perform two welds simultaneously (the upper inner weld And the lower outer weld) when switching to another inclined position.

Two welding torches are welded to the other two welds at the same time (the upper inner weld and the lower outer weld). Note that the machine must be operated by a trained and skilled worker and wear protective equipment. This machine can only be used For its design purpose. Modifying or changing the design purpose by yourself may cause security risks.

The machine must be placed in a dry place. During open work, rain and moisture must be protected. It is strictly prohibited to use the machine in a humid environment. The machine must be reliably grounded before it can be used. Power frequency voltage is installed in the switchboard and control box. Inspection by non-electrical personnel is strictly prohibited.